EFI Application in NASM

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EFI Application in NASM

Post by d2alphame »

I'm trying to write a simple Hello World EFI Application using Netwide Assembler but it doesn't work.The system just hangs and does nothing. So I decided to write something even simpler - an application that just exits without doing anything - and I still get the same result. The system just hangs.
Here's my NASM code (the one that's supposed to exit without doing anything. (Note that I'm testing with VirtualBox).

Code: Select all

; Save as app.asm and assemble with
;    nasm -f bin -o app.efi app.asm

Bits 64

    .DOS_SIGNATURE              db 'MZ'                                                             ; The DOS signature. This is apparently compulsory
    .DOS_HEADERS                times 60-($-STANDARD_HEADER) db 0                                   ; The DOS Headers. Probably not needed by UEFI
    .SIGNATURE_POINTER          dd .PE_SIGNATURE - START                                            ; Pointer to the PE Signature
    .DOS_STUB                   times 64 db 0                                                       ; The DOS stub. Fill with zeros
    .PE_SIGNATURE               db 'PE', 0x00, 0x00                                                 ; This is the pe signature. The characters 'PE' followed by 2 null bytes
    .MACHINE_TYPE               dw 0x8664                                                           ; Targetting the x64 machine
    .NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS         dw 3                                                                ; Number of sections. Indicates size of section table that immediately follows the headers
    .CREATED_DATE_TIME          dd 1657582794                                                       ; Number of seconds since 1970 since when the file was created
    .SYMBOL_TABLE_POINTER       dd 0x00                                                             ; Pointer to the symbol table. There should be no symbol table in an image so this is 0
    .NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS          dd 0x00                                                             ; Because there are no symbol tables in an image
    .OPTIONAL_HEADER_SIZE       dw OPTIONAL_HEADER_STOP - OPTIONAL_HEADER_START                     ; Size of the optional header
    .CHARACTERISTICS            dw 0b0010111000100010                                               ; These are the attributes of the file

    .MAGIC_NUMBER               dw 0x020B                       ; PE32+ (i.e. pe64) magic number
    .MAJOR_LINKER_VERSION       db 0                            ; I'm sure this isn't needed. So set to 0
    .MINOR_LINKER_VERSION       db 0                            ; This too
    .SIZE_OF_CODE               dd CODE_END - CODE              ; The size of the code section
    .INITIALIZED_DATA_SIZE      dd DATA_END - DATA              ; Size of initialized data section
    .UNINITIALIZED_DATA_SIZE    dd 0x00                         ; Size of uninitialized data section
    .ENTRY_POINT_ADDRESS        dd EntryPoint - START           ; Address of entry point relative to image base when the image is loaded in memory
    .BASE_OF_CODE_ADDRESS       dd CODE - START                 ; Relative address of base of code
    .IMAGE_BASE                 dq 0x400000                     ; Where in memory we would prefer the image to be loaded at
    .SECTION_ALIGNMENT          dd 0x1000                       ; Alignment in bytes of sections when they are loaded in memory. Align to page boundry (4kb)
    .FILE_ALIGNMENT             dd 0x1000                       ; Alignment of sections in the file. Also align to 4kb
    .MAJOR_OS_VERSION           dw 0x00                         ; I'm not sure UEFI requires these and the following 'version woo'
    .MINOR_OS_VERSION           dw 0x00                         ; More of these version thingies are to follow. Again, not sure UEFI needs them
    .MAJOR_IMAGE_VERSION        dw 0x00                         ; Major version of the image
    .MINOR_IMAGE_VERSION        dw 0x00                         ; Minor version of the image
    .MAJOR_SUBSYSTEM_VERSION    dw 0x00                         ; 
    .MINOR_SUBSYSTEM_VERSION    dw 0x00                         ;
    .WIN32_VERSION_VALUE        dd 0x00                         ; Reserved, must be 0
    .IMAGE_SIZE                 dd END - START                  ; The size in bytes of the image when loaded in memory including all headers
    .HEADERS_SIZE               dd HEADER_END - HEADER_START    ; Size of all the headers
    .CHECKSUM                   dd 0x00                         ; Hoping this doesn't break the application
    .SUBSYSTEM                  dw 10                           ; The subsystem. In this case we're making a UEFI application.
    .DLL_CHARACTERISTICS        dw 0b000011110010000            ; I honestly don't know what to put here
    .STACK_RESERVE_SIZE         dq 0x200000                     ; Reserve 2MB for the stack... I guess...
    .STACK_COMMIT_SIZE          dq 0x1000                       ; Commit 4kb of the stack
    .HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE          dq 0x200000                     ; Reserve 2MB for the heap... I think... :D
    .HEAP_COMMIT_SIZE           dq 0x1000                       ; Commit 4kb of heap
    .LOADER_FLAGS               dd 0x00                         ; Reserved, must be zero
    .NUMBER_OF_RVA_AND_SIZES    dd 0x10                         ; Number of entries in the data directory

            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of export table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of export table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of import table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of import table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of resource table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of resource table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of exception table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of exception table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of certificate table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of certificate table
            .address            dd END - START                              ; Address of relocation table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of relocation table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of debug table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of debug table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Reserved. Must be 0
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Reserved. Must be 0
            .address            dd 0                                        ; RVA to be stored in global pointer register
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Must be 0
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of TLS table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of TLS table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of Load Config table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of Load Config table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of bound import table
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of bound import table
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of IAT
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of IAT
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of delay import descriptor
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of delay import descriptor
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Address of CLR runtime header
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Size of CLR runtime header
            .address            dd 0                                        ; Reserved, must be 0
            .size               dd 0                                        ; Reserved, must be 0


        .name                       db ".text", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
        .virtual_size               dd CODE_END - CODE
        .virtual_address            dd CODE - START
        .size_of_raw_data           dd CODE_END - CODE
        .pointer_to_raw_data        dd CODE - START
        .pointer_to_relocations     dd 0                                    ; Set to 0 for executable images
        .pointer_to_line_numbers    dd 0                                    ; There are no COFF line numbers
        .number_of_relocations      dw 0                                    ; Set to 0 for executable images
        .number_of_line_numbers     dw 0                                    ; Should be 0 for images
        .characteristics            dd 0x70000020                           ; Need to read up more on this

        .name                       db ".data", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
        .virtual_size               dd DATA_END - DATA
        .virtual_address            dd DATA - START
        .size_of_raw_data           dd DATA_END - DATA
        .pointer_to_raw_data        dd DATA - START
        .pointer_to_relocations     dd 0
        .pointer_to_line_numbers    dd 0
        .number_of_relocations      dw 0
        .number_of_line_numbers     dw 0
        .characteristics            dd 0xD0000040

        .name                       db ".reloc", 0x00, 0x00
        .virtual_size               dd 0
        .virtual_address            dd END - START
        .size_of_raw_data           dd 0
        .pointer_to_raw_data        dd END - START
        .pointer_to_relocations     dd 0
        .pointer_to_line_numbers    dd 0
        .number_of_relocations      dw 0
        .number_of_line_numbers     dw 0
        .characteristics            dd 0xC2000040

times 4096-($-PE)   db 0

    ; The code begins here with the entry point

        mov rax, 0x00

align 4096

; Data begins here. Unused for now
    EFI_IMAGE_HANDLE    dq 0x00                                     ; EFI will give us this in rcx
    EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE    dq 0x00                                     ; And this in rdx
    hello_message db __utf16__ `Hello_world\0`                      ; EFI strings are UTF16 and null-terminated

    align 4096
P.S: I'm doing it in flat binary as a learning experience. The knowledge would be useful for me another project I'm working.
Posts: 5470
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Re: EFI Application in NASM

Post by Octocontrabass »

d2alphame wrote:

Code: Select all

    .HEADERS_SIZE               dd HEADER_END - HEADER_START    ; Size of all the headers
You need to include the section headers and round up to the file alignment.
Posts: 35
Joined: Fri May 04, 2012 8:04 am

Re: EFI Application in NASM

Post by d2alphame »

Octocontrabass wrote:
d2alphame wrote:

Code: Select all

    .HEADERS_SIZE               dd HEADER_END - HEADER_START    ; Size of all the headers
You need to include the section headers and round up to the file alignment.
This worked great!

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