Simplify instructions on how to use QEMU with UEFI

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Simplify instructions on how to use QEMU with UEFI

Post by gabrielmajeri »

The wiki page on UEFI presents many ways of creating a properly formatted GPT disk image, to be used to boot a UEFI application.

However, QEMU supports treating a local directory as a Virtual FAT filesystem. This feature exists in QEMU 0.11 or newer (so any QEMU from 2009 or newer).

In other words, the whole section can be reduced to:

Code: Select all

qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=fat:some/uefi/directory,format=raw

I've tested this on QEMU and it's able to properly boot UEFI applications from a directory.

No root required, and it could even be modified to write / create files in the directory (using "file=fat:rw:some/dir").

I would like the opinion of other wiki editors, should these instructions be moved to a new page, or kept there?
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