OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Muazzam »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Alexis211 »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by PHPnerd »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

3 years late though. Not been here for quite some time.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Walling »

I haven't been active for many years, but here goes.

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by ExeTwezz »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by glauxosdev »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.


PS. Please review my contributions, so the CC0 license can already take effect. :)
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Nutterts »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by nkeck72 »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
It won't take long if you take it one byte at a time.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by David23x »

As I see it the wiki is still unfree. There is no notice in the footer that the wiki is licensed under CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by kenod »

I have taken notice of the CC0 licence and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all past and future contributions to the osdev.org wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by d3crypt »

I haven't contributed anything to the wiki as of yet, however,
I have taken notice of the CC0 licence and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all past and future contributions to the osdev.org wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by wyj »

I haven't contributed anything to the wiki as of yet, however,
I have taken notice of the CC0 licence and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all past and future contributions to the osdev.org wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Vital »


On Saturday, january 23 of 2016 I state that :

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by BASICmaster »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Ycep »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.