Rust ABI?

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Re: Rust ABI?

Post by PeterX »

kzinti wrote:
PeterX wrote:Someone said he will take everything Bzt said(or wrote) with a grain of salt. Maybe that's what people here should actually DO!

I tried that. I tried having conversations with him. It didn't work. I like to think that other peoples here have/are trying to do the same. But he continues to be aggressive, insulting, demeaning and spreading lies just to have the last word in every thread.

Why are you trying to defend what is clearly unacceptable behaviour?

Any type of non-inclusive behaviour needs to be called out, otherwise it festers. Staying silent and/or ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

Sorry, I didnt mean to defend bzt's behaviour! Maybe I didn't think thoroughly when I suggested to take it with a grain of salt. You are right, that bzt's behaviour is unacceptable.
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Re: Rust ABI?

Post by Ethin »

Usually, in a case like this, I'd just recommend ignoring whomever is doing the trolling/being a pest. However, bzt's aggressiveness is dangerous to this community, and his claims may give people the wrong impression about things, e.g.: secure boot, Rust, and so on. And that, obviously, is damaging to whatever he's decided to slander at that particular time. For some thing,s his slander may be appropriate, but in the case of, say, secure boot, such a vendetta is inappropriate and useless since secure boot does have its uses, even if it has been abused by vendors as a lock-in feature. Similarly, his vitriol against Rust -- for something that is, at most, misleading at best -- is also inappropriate and useless since as a user of Rust myself, I find Rust to be an incredibly well thought-out language, and I fully support all that its trying to achieve. That last point is opinionated, perhaps, but people should judge a language based on the use-case they are considering, not based on something that a user said.
Perhaps we should recommence this discussion about bzt's behavior in another thread since we have thoroughly derailed this one.
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