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is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:30 am
by earlz
I have been trying to browse this forum and it is much slower today than it was last night and well this is just the slowest I've seen it in

normally the page would load in <30 secs(dialup) but now it giving "waiting for ...." messages for like 2 minutes and then if your lucky it loads the page after that, to load 1 post it seriously took me 10 minutes, and no I'm not running anything else that uses my internet

when I'm here it shows my connection is used at 20% not 100% and most of that waiting for time it's 0%

has their been a forum update or something and for surely 13 users won't slow this place down that much

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:20 am
by Kon-Tiki
It sometimes gives 404s too, although that's pretty rare. It just goes slower when the server (which hosts more than just this forum, I presume, and has a low limit for a webserver) has more traffic. Luckily, the posting on here's at ease, so you won't miss anything if you have to wait an hour ;)

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:08 pm
by df
well, we are trying to move the forums + faq to but I'm not sure how speedy that is going. I think they are writing a custom forum migration thing. Im not sure...

(agi+sci stuff will stay here but the osdev stuff will go...)

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:28 pm
by blip
WebWarper is probably good for dialup since you have the option of gzipping pages, so it may improve your more regular forum experiences. IIRC turning off Javascript (it's the forum software splitting the word, not me) gets rid of the ads and other junk that they add.

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:33 pm
by Candy
IIRC most browsers + apache already support and use gzipped web page use...

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:13 pm
by blip
Hmm about half the forums I tried showed improvement, this one not included. Nevermind then. I don't use WebWarper much since I'm currently on a cable connection.

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:20 pm
by Candy
blip wrote:Hmm about half the forums I tried showed improvement, this one not included. Nevermind then. I don't use WebWarper much since I'm currently on a cable connection.

That's odd... You're using the newest firefox?

I'm at least sure that the OSFAQ uses gzip, it used to complain in some circumstances about not being able to compress the page because the headers were already sent out.

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:35 pm
by earlz
IIRC turning off Java Script (it's the forum software splitting the word, not me) gets rid of the ads and other junk that they add.

Adblock(extension for firefox) works very well because what it lets you do is block almost anything imbedded in a webpage

see some huge flash animation at a site you visit often; right click right beside it and "Adblock IFrame" and no more hefty ad

Re:is it just me or is this place very slow

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:53 pm
by blip
I use Firefox and AdBlock in addition to NoScript and RefControl. Besides those I also have AdBlock FilterSet.G Updater, SwitchProxy, IEView, SessionSaver, PassiveCache, CustomizeGoogle, and SuperT. My older brother insists on using IE with insecure settings on this admin account no matter what I say so I've installed PeerGuardian, a modified HOSTS file, and the usual free spyware scanners. Going off topic but this is the Off-Topic forum isn't it. ;) Candy, I meant half the forums I check at least monthly, not limiting myself to this site; I was counting the number of sites (eight I think), not the number of forums.
Edit: Is it me or is webwarper down? Its failing just happened to coincide with a speed test I was doing on my own server's webpage that's on port 81. I also tried accessing through Tor to see if it could be a local problem here but nothing's working.
Edit2: Unsurprisingly it's up again now.