Paging on windows in live environment

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Paging on windows in live environment

Post by sagiv »

Hello there.
I do not know if this is the right section seeing as the section "Design and Theory" is for advanced topics.
For the past months I have been studying with the book "Modern Operating systems" by Tannenbaum, the latest version I believe with windows 8 as a test case.
I have been trying to see how paging work in live environment with windows and a program, a good example I could find is a game sizing up to 30 GB.
I have been wondering if the very minor stutters or the loading times for a new are are the products of the OS reading the next working set pages from disk and loading it to memory.
If an x86 instruction is up to 15 bytes and assuming windows has a single page of up to 8 KB.
I been trying to see how all this applies to what I been studying.
Thank you.
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