Bochs and Qemu network tool

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Bochs and Qemu network tool

Post by 0b1 »

For anyone struggling with network driver development on Bochs and Qemu, I created a utility that should help.


It is designed to replace BXHub (and bypass the need for a second guest machine)

At present all it does is listen on a UDP socket for an ARP request and respond with an ARP reply. I have verified the reply is received in ring buffer memory on Bochs, but idk how to do that (yet) on Qemu.

It is written in node so it is easily expandable, and my plan is to add an IPv4 layer and DHCP soon (or eventually!)

Because the Bochs and Qemu docs can be very confusing to newcomers, I have included the configurations that work for NE2000. Feel free to experiment and let me know the confgurations that work for other cards, and I will update the readme accordingly.

You can find it here:

Let me know if you find it helpful, or have suggestions, comments, or feedback. Or if you'd like to contribute!
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