Implementing Uniform Driver Interface (UDI) on a new x86 OS

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Implementing Uniform Driver Interface (UDI) on a new x86 OS

Post by kerravon »

(posted on behalf of another developer)

Hello. I am interested in implementing Uniform Driver Interface (UDI) on PDOS ( Currently PDOS is using BIOS instead of drivers and I would like to change that by implementing UDI.

PDOS is still in early development, so anything can be changed to accommodate UDI.

I read UDI core specification, physical IO specification, IA ABI specification and system bus and PCI bus specifications and created udi.h, udi_physio.h, udi_sysbus.h and udi_pci.h ( ... di/include). I am not sure what are the next steps required to implement UDI and the reference implementation and specifications are not very helpful.

Can somebody explain step-by-step what is needed to implement UDI on a new x86 OS?

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