PIT tickrate using APIC

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PIT tickrate using APIC

Post by 8infy »

Hi, I just finished setting up IOAPIC and LAPIC and I'm seeing some weird behavior with the PIT timer.

On QEMU the PIT seems to be ticking twice the expected tickrate (I'm 100% sure that PIC is fully masked off, the mask is 255 I've checked).
But when I checked on VMWare it was the normal tickrate again. Why am I seeing this behavior? Is it supposed to be like that on QEMU?
When I go back to PIC the tickrate goes back to normal. (And on bochs I can't really check because its real time is off by a lot.)

just for the record here are the settings that im using in the IOAPIC:

Code: Select all

RedirectionEntry re {};
re.index            = to_index;
re.delivery_mode    = DeliveryMode::FIXED;
re.destination_mode = DestinationMode::PHYSICAL;
re.pin_polarity     = PinPolarity::ACTIVE_HIGH;
re.trigger_mode     = TriggerMode::EDGE;
re.is_disabled      = false;
re.local_apic_id    = local_apic_id;

UPD: after setting the real time flag in bochs, it seems like the tickrate is normal there as well. QEMU is the only one acting weird.
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