
What do you think of the programming language i am developin
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Author:  Anarchokawaii [ Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  What do you think of the programming language i am developin

I havn't come up with a name for it yet. but it works sorta like this. you have calls and you have frames. the frames are composed of permissions, which decide what the frame can modify and access of other frames, data, the internal data of the frame, and calls to other frames. the calls modify the permissions or data of other frames given the permissions of the given call frame.

here is a sample of what it would look like

FrameUn $pr:ALL da: cl:  ;
FramDue $pr: da:1,2,3,4 cl:NamedCall;
NamedCall $FrameUn:frameDue_da<4> 4 +=; /* using the permissions of FrameUn increment the data at the 4th index by 4 */

this code doesn't do anything yet though the frames are just declarations of data, and named calls don't do anything on their own. named calls have to be put inside frames. they will be called when the frame is called. anonymous calls can execute on their own. an anonymous call would look like this
$FrameUn:frameDue; /*using permissions of FrameUn call frame ,and since the NamedCall call is in Framedue it calls NamedCall*/
these four statements in order would repeatedly increment frameDue data at index 4 by 4.

you can also have multiple frames in the frame section of the call. using AND, OR, and NOT as set operations. like so.

$frameUn frameDue OR:foobarbaz;
use the permisions of frameun OR framedue
$frameun framedue AND:foobarbaz;
use the permisions of frameun AND framedue, don't include permissions which are only in one
$frameun framedue OR frametri NOT:foobarbaz;
use the permisions of frameun OR framedue then negate the permisions of frametri from the permissions set

some other rules about it, you may have noticed it is in reverse polish notation. you have to use a permission to modify data,other permissions. future plan on it, a way to manage files,writeable permissions,writing a compiler for it(lol)

Author:  iansjack [ Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

I'm afraid that's about as clear as mud to me. Do you have a formal specification of your language?

Author:  Techel [ Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

What is the use of such permissions. What does this programming language actually does and to what output type is it compiled?
Are you talking about a typical native language which is compiled into, let's say, x86 machine code?

Author:  Anarchokawaii [ Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

Techel wrote:
What is the use of such permissions. What does this programming language actually does and to what output type is it compiled?
Are you talking about a typical native language which is compiled into, let's say, x86 machine code?

the permissions are needed to modify and access other frames. they'd be like (if pr:range(1-5) == da:3 then perform right hand side of call) and yes it is a typical programming language compiled into machine code. sorry i am not good at explaining things to people

Author:  embryo2 [ Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

Anarchokawaii wrote:
sorry i am not good at explaining things to people

It means you do not understand things. Or you are too lazy. Or you are too eager to get bored after a few words. In any way - it's better to improve your communication skills. And one way for it is to try to write here a good description of your language.

Author:  iansjack [ Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

Anarchokawaii wrote:
sorry i am not good at explaining things to people

It's likely that the reason you can't explain this to others is that you aren't clear about it yourself.

You've designed a new language - great. Surely you can tell us the objectives behind that design; presumably it's not just a case of being different, so what deficiencies in existing programming languages does your design address?

Author:  Anarchokawaii [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

Okay, I am back with a better explanation. Bassicly the point of the language is Modularity, or what i had in my mind "Scope-Oriented Programming". My goal in accomplishing this is by having very primitive scope/namespace constructs. All the data exists in frames. which are broken down into 3 sections, the permissions section is for what data the frame can modify by being given modification access to other frames (where you saw "pr:"), the data section for storing data (where you saw "da:"), and the call section which i will get into. then there are calls which are transactions between frames. they exist outside the frames, they are more like the + in 2+2. but's not a function. named calls arn't called on there own though. they are called by being called by a frame because it has calls in its calls section or because it was called by an unnamed call. when you write a call you have to have put the permissions of the items you are modify or it will pass.

why am i doing this. i've used C and Python and i wanted to something that could escape the global and local namespace/scope system. also cause i thought it would be fun to develop a programming language

Author:  iansjack [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do you think of the programming language i am devel

I think a formal specification would help in understanding your proposed language.

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